Tech-News & Views
But if you examine the ruling more closely (and objectively), it actually went much further than that. In my opinion, it’s called into question ASTTBC’s ability to develop ANY Certification Program. Here are some of the more significant excerpts from the Ruling by Mr. Justice Funt: “[102] The objects of the ASTTBC are limiting. Section 3 of the ASTT Act reads: 3. The objects of the association are the following: (a) to maintain, improve and increase the knowledge, ability and competence of the members of the association; (b) to regulate standard of training and practice of and for its members and to protect the interests of the public; (c) to establish, maintain and develop standards of ethics amoung its members; (d) to do all lawful things that are incidental or conducive to the accomplishment of these objects.” “[109] ... ASTTBC’s objects and and concomitant powers do not extend to developing new programs of training which may be recognized by others ...” “[111] Unlike the ITA (Industry Training Authority), the ASTTBC does not have the power to ‘develop programs of training’. If ASTTBC were to have such a power, the ASTT Act would have provision similar to those found in s.8 of the Industry Training Authority Act and ASTTBC would have broader objects.” “[121] In sum, read in the context of the related legislation, the ASTTBC does not have the authority to develop new programs of training, such as the ASTTBC Electrical Work Practioner Certification Program.” What does this mean for the technicians that already possess the VI endorsement? More importantly, what about all the technicians currently certified under the auspices of a potentially ILLEGAL Fire Protection Technician Certification Program, many of whom have been paying annual dues for over twenty-five (plus) years? If you haven’t already done so, read (or download and read) a copy of our Report on the ASTTBC Fire Protection Technician Certification Program which we filed with the Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness, the Honourable Naomi Yamamoto, and the Minister of Advanced Education, The Honourable Andrew Wilkinson. We urge every RFPT member to pick up the phone and dial (604) 585-2788, Extension #228 (or ask to speak with John Leech). Ask the hard questions. Demand answers!
Toronto, Ontario - May 18th marked the first time the CFAA has dedicated a full day to a technician member education event. Attendance for the day coupled with an on-line exam gave each attendee a full eight hour credit towards the new annual educational requirement for membership renewal. CFAA hopes to generate enough interest to hold more of these events. If you’re currently CFAA Certified, keep a weather-eye out on their website for an educational forum near you! They’re also working on several online technical seminars for those of you who can’t attend a full day event.
ASTTBC RELEASES 2015 FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICIAN COMPLAINT OUTCOMES! Surrey, British Columbia - Complaint outcomes for 2015 have recently been published to the ASTTBC website. Of particular interest was the actual outcome of a file ASTTBC investigated in which the individual technician signed off on testing a fire alarm system in a seniors high-rise. Compare Case #14-15 against the information in our March 2015 Editorial. Should the fire alarm system be RED-tagged, or not?
DEAR FRANK, Surrey, British Columbia - It’s not every day you get a nine page letter in your Inbox...
ANNOUNCING THE GREAT CANADIAN FIRE ALARM TECHNICIAN CHALLENGE! Vancouver, British Columbia - We’re issuing a challenge to all Canadian fire protection technicians engaged in annual testing or Verification of fire alarm systems across the nation. And we’re giving away some pretty awesome prizes to the three winning entries that are drawn. The contest closes on July 29, 2016, so you’ve got lots of time to submit your answers. For more details, please visit our CONTESTS page!
EXTECH’S OUR NEW PARTNER IN TECHNICIAN EDUCATION! Surrey, British Columbia - Extech/FLIR has stepped up to become our partner in technician training. The hands-on component of our Fire Alarm Verification and Inspection Courses just got a whole lot more interesting. Extech joins an incredible team of industry powerhouses - Potter and Eaton - who have all contributed to the development of our new training programs! KUDOS!
TOWN OF THE BLUE MOUNTAINS (ONTARIO) PUBLISHES NEW FIRE ALARM VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS! Town of The Blue Mountains, Ontario - Greg Miller, the Chief Building Official for the Town of The Blue Mountains recently published an update to their Fire Alarm Verification policy. What’s particularly notable about this is that it features our latest published version of the amended CAN/ULC-S537-04 Appendix “C” Report form. For more information, you may review SP.OBC.15.19 Verification of Fire Alarm Systems (6.13.16)_SignedGM.pdf , or visit their website at the Town of The Blue Mountains.
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We are not affiliated with ASTTBC, CFAA, CANASA, NFPA, NAFED, or NICET (although we encourage you to explore and objectively evaluate the benefits associated with supporting their individual efforts). Membership in the Fire Technicians Network is entirely voluntary. Are you up to the challenge of demonstrating your commitment to public safety and the highest standard of professional practice?
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