Forms Page!

“I just filled out my income tax form.
Who says you can’t get killed by a blank?”

-- Milton Berle

Welcome to our FORMS page!

If you’ve come here directly from a Google® Search and are looking for contract forms (customized for your jurisdiction), please visit our LIBRARY.

Please ensure you read and familiarize yourself with our Terms of Use!  Our forms are considered “living documents” and are frequently updated (amended content, editorial corrections, etc.).  In order to ensure the document you’re viewing is the latest content, please “refresh” your Browser window when the document opens.  We recommend that you DOWNLOAD the MSWord documents rather than opening them in your Browser (as Microsoft’s Edge now allows you to do).  You may need to format the form to fit your printer.

It should be noted that ULC has also amended their Standards review cycle to conform with ISO’s Continuous Maintenance requirements.  This makes it easier to incorporate new requirements and make editorial corrections outside of the five year republication cycle.  In addition the Standard’s numeric references are being updated.  More information on this can be accessed on their website at where you can download resource materials that describe the changes and the reason for them.

You are granted permission to use the forms on this page freely. You cannot resell or otherwise profit from further distribution of these forms (this includes making alterations or changes to any wording or layout), nor can you upload any content found here to a third party website, network or server without our express written consent. 

Please take the time to read everything on this page and consult your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) before you do use anything you find here.  Any form which references an Appendix item within a Standard can be modified to include additional testing parameters.  The REQUIRED inspection and testing items specified within a given Standard MUST be performed and detailed within the report.  All of our Appendix referenced forms comply with the published edition of the Standard upon which they are based.

Note:  While we don’t actually charge a fee to download the forms found on this page,  we encourage you to become an associate member and support our efforts at maintaining this website.  Thank you!

If you would like help formatting the MS Word forms with your company’s name and logo (includes any colour scheme), click the “add to cart” button you’ll find below!  We do charge a nominal $130.00 fee for this service.






Building Annual Inspection Form
This version includes:
NFPA 72 (2016) Test Form
NFPA 10 (2010)
NFPA 25 (2014)

MS Word.docx           PDF


Fire Alarm Verification Report
(CAN/ULC 537:2019
Section 28 Report)

MS Word.docx           PDF


Fire Alarm Verification Report
Appendix “C”)
(Includes an expanded DCL Test Section)

MS Word.docx           PDF


City of Vancouver Fire Alarm
Verification Report

Appendix “C” - Amended)

MS Word.docx            PDF


Fire Alarm Communicator
Inspection & Test Report

Appendix “C”)

MS Word.doc            PDF


Fire Alarm Communciator
Inspection and Test Report

(CAN/ULC 561:2022
Annex “C” Report)

MS Word.docx            PDF


Building Monthly
Test Form



Smoke Alarm Test Report
Appendix “C” - Amended)

MS Word.docx            PDF


Smoke Alarm Installation & Verification Report
Appendix “C” - Amended)

MS Word.docx            PDF







Building Annual Inspection Form
Includes testing forms based
on the following Standards:
CAN/ULC-S536-13 Appendix “C”, NFPA 10 (2013),
NFPA 25 (2014)

MS Word.docx           PDF


Building Annual Inspection
Cover Page
(Test Details & Deficiencies)

MS Word.docx           PDF


Fire Alarm Annual Inspection & Testing
CAN/ULC 536:2019
Section 20 Report

MS Word.docx           PDF


Water-Based Extinguishment
Systems Testing


MS Word.docx           PDF


Stand-Pipe / Hose Systems


MS Word.docx           PDF


Fire Pump Testing

MS Word.docx           PDF


Extinguisher / Hose

NFPA 10 / NFPA 25

MS Word.docx            PDF


Unit Emergency Lighting

MS Word.doc            PDF


If you wish us to customize one of our forms with your company’s name, logo, and contact information, we charge a nominal $130.00 for this service.







UPDATE! January 15, 2025
We’ve updated our CAN/ULC 536:2019 Section 20 Annual Report form.  This update includes an important editorial correction to Table 22.11 Interconnection to the Fire Signal Receiving CentrePlease ensure you refresh your Browser and confirm that you’ve downloaded Version 25.1.1.

UPDATE! June 9, 2024
We’ve updated our CAN/ULC 537:2019 Section 28 Verification Report forms.  This update includes some important editorial corrections:
1.  A  revised Section 32.5 Required System Response Times which aligns with the required testing detailed in Table 6.1.

2.  Section 32.14 Interconnection to the Fire Signal Receiving Centre has added the additional checklist item detailed in Section 8.3.2. (which refers to whether a UDACT is employed OR an interconnection between the FACU and a separate transmitter is provided.

3.  For those technicians that are Verifying a Section 27 Modification to a fire alarm system, we have elected to retain the two references to the site’s Fire Safety Plan in Section 29 Documentation as a means to assist the local jurisdictional authorities in identifying the requirement to update this important document.

Items 1 & 2 (above) are part of the existing published Standard.  These cannot be categorized as “recommended” or “additional” testing suggestions.  Please ensure you refresh your Browser and confirm that you’ve downloaded Version 24.1.1.

UPDATE! October 18, 2022
We’re in the process of making some changes to our Building Annual Inspection Form in response to a number of requests to post the sections separately.  Please be patient while we work towards completing them.  Updated links will become active as the documents become available!


UPDATE! October 14, 2022
The new Standard for Fire Alarm System Inspection and Testing (CAN/ULC 536:2019) has been published, and is officially adopted into the National Fire Code (2020).  For those jurisdictions requiring the use of ULC’s latest Revision of this testing Standard, or if your service company is part of ULC’s Listing Service, you can now download it from the menu to the left!  We’ve updated the Standard number to reflect ULC’s new listing criteria and made some minor corrections.
NOTE:  The latest version of this form is Version 22.1.1.  Please close or refresh your Browser if 20.1 appears in the footer of the downloaded document.

UPDATE! October 6, 2022
The new Standard for Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems  (CAN/ULC 561:2022) has now been published, and while it hasn’t been officially adopted into our current building code cycle, some jurisdictions may start requiring the use of ULC’s latest revision.  Chances are if your service company is part of ULC’s Listing Service, you may soon be required to start conforming to this version via a Standards Bulletin (we’ll update you on that when it’s issued).  Regardless, you can now download the latest Annex C Report form from the menu to the left!  Please note that this version of the report includes several editorial corrections.  It also provides an expanded inspection and testing checklist which incorporates some specific requirements detailed in the Standard that are related to systems employing either passive or active communications pathways.
NOTE:  The latest version of this form is Version 22.1.2.  Please close or refresh your Browser if 22.1.1 appears in the footer of the downloaded document.

UPDATE! September 30, 2022
The new Standard for Fire Alarm System Verification (CAN/ULC 537:2019) has now been published, and is officially adopted into the National Building Code (2020).  Please note that the actual report is no longer referred to as an Appendix C Report.  The reporting form has been moved into the normative part of the Standard and is now referred to as a Section 28 Verification Report.  For those jurisdictions requiring the use of ULC’s latest Revision of this Standard, or if your service company is part of ULC’s Listing Service, you can now download it from the menu to the left!
NOTE:  The latest version of this form is Version 22.1.1.

UPDATE! July 16, 2020
The new Standard for Fire Alarm System Inspection and Testing (CAN/ULC-S536:2019) has now been published, and is officially adopted into the National Fire Code (2020).  For those jurisdictions requiring the use of ULC’s latest Revision of this testing Standard, or if your service company is part of ULC’s Listing Service, you can now download it from the menu above!

UPDATE! January 26, 2019
The Verification (CAN/ULC-S537-13) Appendix C forms Have been updated to include expanded C6.5 Deficiencies sections which can be utilized to highlight system abnormalities when performing a Section 7 Fire Alarm System Verification.  Please ensure you contact your local jurisdictional authority with respect to the procedures when deficiencies are identified.  The current version number, which appears at the bottom of these forms is 19.01 (for City of Vancouver), and 19.01.1 for all other jurisdictions.

UPDATE! January 23, 2019
The Building Annual Inspection Forms have been updated to reference the Standards in the National Fire Code of Canada (2015 published edition).  This includes an updated NFPA 25 (2014) report form that includes the requirement to record the date of the backflow preventer assembly internal inspection (details of which are provided in our January 2019 Tech-News & Views! page).  We’ve also updated the Annual Fire Alarm Inspection Report (CAN/ULC-S536-13) to include an expanded Documentation Record.  The C2.13 Deficiencies Section has also been amended so that repairs to the system (or individual components) can be documented by the Building Owner (or his Authorized Representative).  For those jurisdictions that will accept documenting smoke alarm testing (to CAN/ULC-S552-14) on the C3.2 Test Record in CAN/ULC-S536-13, we’ve included some additional checklist items on the CAN/ULC-S536-13 Inspection Items form.  We do suggest that you review the C3.1 Field Device Testing - LEGEND page so that you don’t accidentally create a conflict in your report.  There is a distinct difference between a “detector” and an “alarm”.  The current version number, which appears at the bottom of this form, is 19.01.

The Smoke Alarm Installation and Verification Appendix “C” Report is also available from the menu at the left.  This follows CAN/ULC-S553-14’s format with the addition of an individual Device Test record sheet drawn from an appropriately modified Appendix “C” table which appears in the Smoke Alarm Annual Testing Report (CAN/ULC-S552-14).

UPDATE! January 20, 2019
The latest version of CAN/ULC-S552-14 (Standard for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Smoke Alarms) is referenced in both versions of NBCC and NFCC, in Canada.  There are significant changes to this Standard, one of which now includes an Appendix “C” Testing Form, our version of which you can download here.  We’ve included an additional column in this version to assist in identifying the type of alarm you’re testing:

SA - Smoke Alarm
HA - Heat Alarm
VA - Visual Alarm
CO - Carbon Monoxide Alarm
DU - Combination Smoke/CO Alarm

We’re also recommending you identify whether the alarm is AC powered with a battery backup, only AC powered, or only battery powered.  We’ve included the addition of the word “Cleaned” to the “Tested Y/N” Column of the published Standard’s Appendix “C” (as this is an actual requirement).  There are a number of additional testing and inspection Clauses that are NOT identified on the form.  We urge anyone engaged in servicing these devices to avail themselves of the Standard in order to ensure compliance with the Fire Code and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.

UPDATE! December 3, 2018
The latest version of CAN/ULC-S537-13, now available at the right in both MS Word and PDF formats, provides you with the ability of actually documenting the test results for Data Communication Link (DCL) isolators.  It’s the brain-child of Mike Hugh, one of the many stars in the ULC 500F Committee’s Galaxy.  You must still RECORD the device in the Appendix C6.2 (along with it’s location), but the Appendix C6.2A allows you to expand on the check-box items in Section C4. Data Communication Link Testing of the form.  We’ve always felt that the really GREAT ideas shouldn’t wait to be implemented with the latest version of the Standard due out early next year.

UPDATE!  December 30, 2016
We’ve added some recommended additional inspection and testing items to the Annunciator Sections of CAN/ULC-S537-13 (C5.8 and C5.9) as well as the CAN/ULC-S536-13 component of the Building Annual Inspection Forms (Sections C2.6 and C2.7) to address issues surrounding outdoor installations.  The Generator section of the Emergency Power Supply Test and Inspection has also undergone some minor amendment to enable you to document the “Low Fuel” setting on those installations where the unit serves as a component of the required emergency power supply.

UPDATE!  December 27, 2016
We’ve published a new version of the Annual Building Inspection Test Report Forms for Jurisdictions outside of Canada that require adherence to the National Fire Protection Association Standards.  The fire alarm system inspection and test section includes all the documentation required by NFPA-72 (2016) Chapter 14, but draws heavily on the more detailed check-list items included in the Canadian Standards.  This makes documenting the physical testing of the various control equipment easier, and allows for a more comprehensive commentary for each Section (we’ve also divided Section 10 of the form into three separate itemized lists).  We would strongly suggest that the form be reviewed by your local jurisdictional authority before you decide to implement its use for your customers.  Please ensure you read our Terms of Use!




Canadian Building Life Safety Systems Training Initiative:

Visit our Training Centre!

Certification Programme:

Professional Certification of building Life Safety Systems Technologists and Specialists in Canada


Technical Forums:
Friendly reminder! The Forums are alive!

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by calling the number above or by clicking the email link!


Common Fire Alarm Trouble Signals:
We're compiling a list of common fire alarm trouble signals and displays HERE!

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In Memoriam
G. Richard (Rich) Morris
Celebrating a truly
remarkable life!

CFAA’s Tribute
SCC’s Tribute

In Memoriam
David Sylvester
CFAA Legend, Educator,
and Friend!

CFAA’s Tribute



Smoke Detector Cross Listing Information:
ULC Smoke Detector Compatibility Index
(You’ll be prompted to either “save as” or “open” a Microsoft a Microsoft® Excel document. Please read our Terms of Use.)


If you've found our site useful, you may wish to consider supporting our efforts by becoming an Associate Member.




CITY OF VANCOUVER Verification Appendix “C” Forms!

Updated Feburary 19, 2020 - The City of Vancouver’s Bulletin 2020-006-BU/EL includes some amendments to the Fire Alarm Verification Appendix C1. Form.  Please ensure you’re using the latest version of the City of Vancouver Appendix C Form if you are engaged in providing Verification service here.  Please check with your Electrical Inspector.  Some are requiring you complete the form on the Bulletin before they will accept the version available for download here.

Updated November 6, 2018 - January 1, 2018 witnessed the City of Vancouver’s Vancouver Building Bylaw (VBBL) adoption of two (2) new versions of Canadian fire alarm Standards:

- CAN/ULC-S524-14 (Including Amendment 1) (Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems), and
- CAN/ULC-S537-13 (Standard for Verification of Fire Alarm Systems

Along with CAN/ULC-S1001-11 (Standard for Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems), technicians engaged in the commissioning and Verification of new fire alarm systems in the City face quite a challenge.  The C1 first page of the Verification Record Vancouver requires them to use is incorporated in Bulletin 2000-021-BU/EL, which also outlines their new approach to qualifying Verification Agencies and individual Verifiers.  We have extensively updated the CAN/ULC-S537-13 Appendix C Report form to include a new layout for documenting the testing of individual fire alarm devices.  The City has also incorporated new acceptance criteria for outdoor mounted annunciators.  We strongly urge both the installation and Verification communities to review these important changes.

The most key change is the fact that Vancouver is no longer publishing their list of Acceptable Verification Agencies and Verifiers.  Installers, building owners, and Designers looking to hire a qualified Verifier will have to CHECK WITH THE CITY’s BUILDING PERMITS DEPARTMENT to ensure the individual they contemplate will be signing the C1 page is actually authorized to do so!

Our latest version of this Standard incorporates some additional testing requirements for installations that utilize the -14 Version of CAN/ULC-S524 as well as an expanded C.6 section which incorporates the ability to document Data Communication Link Isolators.  Please review them along with some important guidelines contained on this page in our TOOLS menu!

Updated February 13, 2017 - The C1 first page required by the City of Vancouver has been amended to include new wording related to outdoor fire alarm annunciators.  The Certification section of our forms has always included a reference to the Verification having been conducted by qualified personnel, but additional wording has been added to conform with the new requirements as well.

Updated December 30, 2016 - The C1 first page of the October 2013 Fifth Edition of the Standard for Verification of Fire Alarm Systems has been adapted for use in the City of Vancouver.  This version of the form should only be used if specifically requested by the Inspections Department as we anticipate the 2015 publication of the National Building Code won’t be formally adopted into the Vancouver Building By-law until at least 2019.  This version of the Appendix “C” includes enhancements to document outdoor mounted fire alarm annunciators (Sections C5.8 and C5.9).

UPDATED December 11, 2016 - The newest version includes some major enhancements.  In the MS Word version, the project specific information (which you had to individually enter starting from page two and onwards) now only has to be entered once.  It’s automatically populated on any subsequent pages (including any that you may need to add).  Additional enhancements include bringing the form into alignment with CAN/ULC-S537-13 (the newest version of the Standard that’s likely going to be referenced in the next edition of the VBBL.  Our forms also address some key testing items that are going to be required when the Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems (CAN/ULC-S524-14 - Including Amendment 1) is adopted.

UPDATED June 11, 2016 - A version of the CAN/ULC-S537-04 Appendix “C” report form formatted for use in the City of Vancouver is now available for download.  Look for it in the menu box to the left.  This updated version follows the August 11, 2015 Revision of the City of Vancouver’s Bulletin 2000-21-BU/EL and includes the ability to document Intelligibility Testing in conformance with VBBL 2014 Sentence  The only essential differences from the “C1” page in the Bulletin are in the CERTIFICATION section (where additional wording has been added to help ensure the building owner complies with Division C, Sentence of the British Columbia Fire Code 2012 incorporated into the Vancouver Fire Bylaw 11312), and the rather tasteful colours we’ve chosen to highlight the fillable sections.

Instructions for Downloading (UPDATED December 11, 2016):
1. Select the document you want from the Fire Alarm Inspection Forms menu at the upper left.
2. You'll be prompted to either save as or open a Microsoft® Word™ document (or you can download the PDF version of the file).
3. If you’re printing from the computer that you’re using to complete the forms formatted for MS Word, please make sure your printer is configured as the “default”.
4. Open the MS Word document and check that none of the individual tables on each page of the form are inadvertently “split” over two separate pages.  If they are, you can fix this by deleting a couple of blank lines on the preceding page (this will reposition the affected table).  Once the form is properly formated, save it to a separate directory called “forms” on your hard drive, and close Word.
5. Find the file in your “forms” directory and right click on it.  In the menu that opens, left click on “Properties”.  Check the box marked “Read Only”, and then click on “Apply”.  Now when you open the form, you’re going to have to save it to a separate file (use your own filing protocol).  The main form can’t be altered inadvertently.

If you need help formatting (or customizing) a form (perhaps even with your company's name & logo) or if you're using an older version of Microsoft® Word™ and can't open the file, then CONTACT US! We'll be happy to help! If you have suggestions for improvements (or spot an error somewhere), please let us know.  REWARD Offered!


You'll very quickly realize that some of our forms are inspired by (and drawn from) those authored by Larry Barker when he managed Fire Protection Technician Registrations at ASTTBC back in 2007.  ASTTBC has decided that they will no longer be updating their on-line forms.  The ones displayed on their website are “samples only”.  For those RFPTs still using versions of these forms, it is extremely important that you ensure they comply with the published versions of the Standards required by your jurisdiction’s current Bylaws, the Building Code, and Fire Code as adopted by your Province/Territory. 

In addition, it is extremely important to ensure that you, at least, make the changes we suggest below, so that you mitigate your potential personal liability exposure. Your employer should be willing to incorporate these changes.  First of all, remember that in most cases you are working for a LIMITED or INCORPORATED company and your signature must always appear BELOW the company's name. Example:

123 Fire & Safety Ltd.

Sebastian B. Short, RFPT

Secondly, never sign anything in which you aren't seen to be representing the company you're working for.  You should avoid the use of the "first person" (such as in this phrase):

“I state that the information on this form is correct at the time and place of my inspection, and that all equipment was tested in conformance with applicable codes and the Manufacturers requirements and at this time was left in operational condition upon completion of this inspection except as noted in comments.” -- ASTTBC

Instead, we would suggest a small alteration to:

The information on this form (and in the documents attached hereto) attests to the fact that the equipment listed herein has been tested/inspected in conformance with applicable codes, bylaws, standards, and the manufacturer’s requirements by a qualified technician. The equipment was left in an operational condition except as noted in the spaces marked “comments”.



The adoption of the 2015 version of the National Building Code mandates fire alarm systems must be installed to CAN/ULC-S524-14.  There is an amendment to this Standard issued by ULC in January 2016 (which all agencies performing verifications should be aware of).  The Verification Standard that’s referenced by NBC 2015 is CAN/ULC-S537-13 which does not address some key changes related to system response times, data loop isolators, power buss isolators, and notification (audio) buss isolators, etc. that appear in the -14 version of the Installation Standard and the Addendum!  Please ensure you review these important changes and additions and that the Verification Appendix “C” form you’re using is amended appropriately to document this testing!

In most Canadian jurisdictions, the adoption of the new National Fire Code (2015) will mandate annual testing of fire alarm systems to CAN/ULC-S536-13 with one key exception.  Alberta’s Building and Fire Codes already references CAN/ULC-S536-13.  Our testing forms are based on the this version.

Please ensure you read our Terms of Use and consult with your local jurisdictional authority before you make use of any forms you find on our site!  The originally formatted test report (which includes CAN/ULC-S536-04 Appendix “E”) we’ve been featuring for a number of years  is still available for comparison.

About OUR Fire Alarm Inspection, Building Life Safety Inspection & Fire Alarm Verification Forms:

One of the first things you'll notice is that we've combined the Fire Alarm Inspection Form, the Fire Extinguisher Annual Inspection Form, the Unit Emergency Lighting Inspection Form and the Sprinkler Systems Inspection Form into one document entitled the Building Life Safety Inspection Form (or Building Annual Inspection Form).

Another thing you'll notice is that there is now a separate section for Communicator Testing (this follows Appendix C2.11 of CAN/ULC-S536-13).  You have to feel comfortable with ensuring that the communicator is installed correctly and be familiar enough with what it does to properly test it.  In order to help you with this, we've provided a comprehensive guide to communicators in the Tips section of our Library.  How many of you are aware that every ULC/UL fire alarm panel has to be equipped with "dress panels" (also called "dead fronts")?  How many of you are actually checking to see that the smoke detectors installed with the system are actually compatible with it?  A lot of this material is available to you here without paying a membership fee because we feel that there is information you must know and other information you may want to know (to make your job easier and the people living in the buildings you’re testing safer!).  You'll find the latter in our Members section.

We've decided NOT to follow the format of the fire alarm annual inspection form provided by ASTTBC.  Why?  There are two important reasons:

  1. Our versions of the forms align with the reports published in the Appendix “C’s” of both the relevant Standards, which makes it easier for the Jurisdictional Authorities to identify deviations in formatting that could include missing sections or subsections.
  2. The layout easily facilitates being able to include multiple annunciators, power supplies, and standby battery packs so as to make their individual testing results much easier to document.  If you are testing a panel with four sets of batteries and four power supplies (for example) you have only to duplicate the appropriate pages to document the results.

Our forms also feature a checklist for onsite documents which you should ensure are actually there, and which will assist you in providing an inspection service that is as thorough as it is professsional.  Don’t forget that you are part of a much broader partnership in safety that includes the local Jurisdictional Authority.  The more detail you can include in your report, the more informed they become of the building’s inadequacies, the better they can communicate the short-comings to the owner, and the safer the occupants and public will be. 


The new PDF files have blank spaces for the page numbers. All you have to do is fill in the company contact information and you're off.  In the MSWord “DOC” and “DOCX” files, the page numbers will automatically update as you add (or delete) them.  If you have any problems downloading these files, please give us a call.  If you’d like help with including your company’s logo and other pertinent identification in the report, we can help you.  Simply contact us!

The most important thing to realize about ANY form you find here is that they are constantly undergoing revision and additions.  We want you to deliver the highest level of inspection detail possible regardless of whom it might be that you're working for (or with).  This is why it's important for you to consider an annual membership so that we can inform you if there have been changes or additions.  If you have a concern, or want to suggest an addition, revision, or inclusion, then please, contact us!

Note:  Please consider the environment if you do decide to print any forms found on our site by selecting only the pages you need first.



AHJ Training Courses are being offered by two (2) Canadian national associations:

  • The Canadian Fire Alarm Association (CFAA) - Please visit their website (link below) for information on one being held in your area.
  • The Fire Technicians Network (FTN) - Feel free to visit our Training Centre for available dates and cities!  To make arrangements for us to present our two day Course Programme in YOUR municipality, please Contact Us for details!

Canadian Fire Alarm Technician Certification:

Fire Protection Equipment Technicians (Extinguisher Service):

Fire Protection Equipment Technicians (Provincial):




The Fire Technicians Network

+1 (888) 340-3473

“We are not a professional union, but together, we are a union of professionals!”

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What we’re all about!
We are not affiliated with ASTTBC, CFAA, CANASA, NFPA, NAFED, or NICET (although we encourage you to explore and objectively evaluate the benefits associated with supporting their individual efforts).  Membership in the Fire Technicians Network is entirely voluntary.  Are you up to the challenge of demonstrating your commitment to public safety and the highest standard of professional practice?

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