VI on visual signalling devices

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VI on visual signalling devices

Post by ali_baby » Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:18

I've jut finished a partial VI on a signal isolator as well as a strobe in a deellin unit of a hi rise building (tenant is deaf-hence need for visual). Th electrician that installed the devices insists that the visual is off on silence, I insist off on reset. Who's right and where can I find the reference for that?

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Re: VI on visual signalling devices

Post by FIRETEK » Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:48

Welcome to the forum!

There is no actual requirement in either the Codes or Standards that specify that strobes (visual appliances) must be wired on a separate circuit from insuite buzzers (which would result in the operation of the appliances in the manner in which you describe). The only limitation I can reference is the output current for the isolator module or the common signal silence button (neither of which take into consideration the higher current draw of a strobe). If a design engineer was involved (in either a prior addition or the base fire alarm system), he may have referenced a requirement for independent circuits in which case the contractor would have to abide by the pre-existing sequence of operation in any new addition in order to avoid confusing anyone.

Reference is made to silencing AUDIBLE signals throughout the standards (both CAN/ULC-S524-01 and CAN/ULC-S537-04). An interpretation by the Authority Having Jurisidiction would be the suggested course of action in your case.
Frank Kurz
+1 (888) 340-3473

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